Great institutions are products of flashes of thoughts, sparkling ideas, fueled by the right people, inflamed by actions and blazed in impacts.” – Abdulakeem Sodeeq SULYMAN

It is with a deep sense of appreciation that I find myself to be a part of the amazing journey of this quintessential institution, the Global Empowerment and Mentoring Initiative (GLOEMI) Inc., which was founded three-year ago, by the iconoclastic Henry Ukazu. Being an active player in the formation of GLOEMI from infancy, to its current stage, has revealed to me that every progress begins with making a decision to surge forward as one strives to turn his life around, just like every stagnation and castration are a product of someone’s inaction, failure to take positive steps.

If GLOEMI is a human being, we would believe that clocking three-year old is too young for him to be making strides, achieving his goals and living his dream. But because GLOEMI is an institution conceived by a thoroughbred humanist, here it is today, helping people discover their purpose in life, leading people to the path of unleashing their potential, guiding people towards unlocking their destiny, transforming lives and making the world better. The major goal of founding GLOEMI, according to Henry Ukazu, “is to increase the human optimization index.”

Findings have revealed that just a fraction – 5 per cent or thereabouts – of the human population is living in the peak of their gifts, their talents and potential. This revelation has posed a problem calling for solutions from everyone that cares about the survival and redemption of the human race. It is pleasing to know that Henry Ukazu is one of the people that stepped forward to redefine humanity in their own capacity. The greatest gift God bestowed the nature with, is human being. And the gifts in nature will never be harnessed, until we explore the soul and body of men to chisel and exploit the goodness in them.

Rising to the above needs became the pillars for which Henry Ukazu founded GLOEMI. Henry Ukazu has a strong conviction that it is not that the human race is not gifted; what is lacking in unlocking the gifts every man are endowed with is empowerment. This conviction of Henry Ukazu aligns with Claudius Glaber, in the classic episodic movie, Spartacus, where he asserted that “Even the lowest man can rise beyond heaven if he is treated with proper rewards.” This means that no sacrifice is too much to be paid in the process of turning someone’s life around, because what an individual can offer the world is much more than anyone’s imaginations.

Thus, Henry Ukazu designed GLOEMI to respond to the need to unleash human potential by building their capacities in five (5) key ways – Self-discovery; Mindset; Mentoring and Coaching; Career Development and Leadership training – of developing human capital. The hallmark of attaining the climax of someone’s endeavour in life is akin to an individual’s knowledge about themselves. Hence, the first step GLOEMI places people’s feet on is the task of discovering themselves, finding their true identity and instilling in them the courage to accept themselves as they are, without any regrets or whatsoever.

At GLOEMI, we have found that discovering oneself is not the sole requirement to a fulfilled life, people also need to develop the Mindset of living triumphantly, coming out as a champion, regardless of someone’s background or condition. For every man to live a life their Creator ordained, they must picture it in their mind, program themselves to embrace that life and be devoted to taking deliberate, positive actions to thrive and flourish in it. This is done by mapping the mind of GLOEMI’s clients to identify their current quality of thinking, followed by switching their mind to focus on what matters and stretching their mind to be expanding beyond its initial state.

After that, GLOEMI’s clients are scheduled for Mentoring and Coaching. “People are oppressed when they hear other people’s successes; but they are influenced when they hear other people’s failures,” apologies to John C. Maxwell. Thus, we mentor and coach people by interacting with them in order to stimulate the positive mindset they have developed. In situations where GLOEMI cannot directly mentor or coach the clients, clients are connected with a person credible and qualified to mentor or coach them. With this, the soul of men is being refined for impacts and the fulfilment of life’s purposes.

Everything a man achieves for himself is nothing until he uses his personality to set the pace for others. And because one of the questions clients always ask us is “How are they going to set the pace for others?,” Our response is: “Find a discipline, an endeavour or a field of study that is suitable to your personality. Learn about it and express yourself excellently in such a discipline or endeavour.” No one will take you seriously when you can’t showcase your skills, stuff and talent. A real man is made by standing up for what he believes and in the process, he will distinguish, earn respect, and become a force to be reckoned with.

This leads us to the ultimate qualities every man in the 21st century must possess – Leadership skills. Discovering what is unique about clients, helping them develop a positive mindset and grooming and coaching them for the career that befits them are aimed at nourishing them for leadership, equipping them with characters of positive stewardship, driving changes , creativity and innovations in every dimension and layer of life. People that reached this level with GLOEMI are among the sought-after personality in their different endeavours. Those people don’t lead by occupying positions, they lead by changing lives, bringing out the best in others.

The more we create leaders, the more we position ourselves to initiate noble causes that exceed what the faint-hearted can conceived. We can do more with your partnership and collaborations. Let’s join hands together to stem the tide of living beneath our potential; let’s arrest the spate of limitations affecting our people to birth the life nature endowed them with. Let the real life of our people beckons. The life deposited in a human being knows no limits and it manifests when it is fed with the right information needed for its transformation and emancipation.

May GLOEMI’s impacts know no bound!

By Abdulakeem Sodeeq SULYMAN 

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